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Star Wars Jedi: Survivor follows Cal Kestis on his second adventure across the galaxy. Set approximately five years after the events of Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order, Cal has aligned himself with Saw Gerrera in the hope of overthrowing the Empire once and for all, so not much has changed.

RELATED: Star Wars Jedi: Survivor - Complete Trophy/Achievement List

Like with the previous game, Star Wars Jedi: Survivor only allows its players to save their progress at certain points. There are also some instances where the game will automatically save Cal's progress, but since they are quite rare, players should always manually save the game whenever they get the chance.

How To Save In Star Wars Jedi: Survivor

Cal finds a Meditation Point in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor

Players will unlock the ability to save their progress shortly into the beginning of Star Wars Jedi: Survivor when they find the first Meditation Point in the Rooftops area of the Coruscant Undercity. Interacting with Meditation Points will automatically save all the progress Cal has made, so players should ensure to interact with any they find while progressing the story if they don't want to risk losing their progress.

If Cal runs out of health in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor, the player will need to select the "Respawn" option that appears on the screen. Doing so will transport Cal back to the last Meditation Point he interacted with, so whatever progress players made after interacting with it will usually be lost.

Thankfully, Meditation Points can be found scattered around each planet Cal visits, but traveling from one to another will usually take a significant amount of time if players have yet unlocked the ability to fast-travel.

It's also possible to return to previously used Meditation Points on foot by interacting with objects in the world and creating a shortcut back to them. Backtracking after finding a shortcut can sometimes be the only way to save the game after certain points, so players should be sure to examine each location they visit for a way to do so if they are worried about Cal dying in an upcoming area.

What Do Meditation Points Do In Star Wars Jedi: Survivor?

Cal meditates in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor

While the main point of a Meditation Point is to offer players a chance to save their progress, they can also be used to replenish Cal's health and Force at the expense of respawning defeated enemies, unlock new skills, and change or examine Cal's weapon stances.

RELATED: Star Wars Jedi: Survivor - How To Get More Stims

More options, like the ability to fast-travel, become available later while progressing the story.

Autosaving In Star Wars Jedi: Survivor

The Respawn screen in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor

Though Meditation Points offer the most reliable means of saving one's progress, Star Wars Jedi: Survivor will also auto-save at various points in the story. That said, relying on autosaves alone is an extremely risky move, as they can sometimes send Cal back to the beginning of a level if he hasn't interacted with any Meditation Points.

There are some exceptions to this, however, but it's best to save via a Meditation Point whenever given the option.

Star Wars Jedi: Survivor is now available on PS5, Xbox Series X/S, and PC.