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Chambers of Meditation are secret Jedi shrines that hold onto the Old Republic’s knowledge. In Star Wars Jedi: Survivor, players will need to solve various puzzles in each of these Chambers to unravel more secrets and obtain new perks.

One of the earliest shrines that Jedi: Survivor players encounter is called the Chamber of Reason, which comes as a Rumor in Forest Array. And this guide explains how to solve its puzzles and get the Dexterity perk.

RELATED: All Meditation Chambers in Jedi: Survivor

Where to Find the Chamber of Reason

image showing the location of the chamber of reason in star wars jedi survivor.

Starting from the Basalt Rift meditation point, head toward the fallen log on the left and use the rope on the right to get to the Chamber of Reason’s entrance. To pin the Chamber’s location on the map, talk to Toa near Forest Array and accept her Rumor, Explore the High Republic Chamber in the Forest. This will reveal the exact location of the Chamber of Reason in Basalt Forest.

How to Solve the Chamber of Reason Puzzle

To solve this Chamber’s puzzle, move the glowing purple orbs to the second floor and create Force bridges that lead to the secret exit. Here’s a step-by-step guide for that:

Unblock the Second Orb

image showing how to star solving the puzzle at the chamber of reason.

First, press LT/L2 to pull the glowing orb on the right and shoot it in the empty connector on the right. Once the bridge is activated, pull the lever in the back so that the bridge moves right.

image showing how to find the hidden orb in the chamber of reason.

Go all the way down the bridge and break the stone wall with Cal’s Force (RT/R2). Grab the second orb with LT/L2, walk back to the platform, and place the new ball in the first orb’s spot. (Dropping the orb on the ground may break it.)

Activate the Bridge on the Second Floor

image showing how to solve the chamber or reason puzzle in the second floor.

After unblocking the second orb, push the lever to the right so the bridge moves to the left. Grab the second orb, walk to the other side, and stand on the elevator to get to the second floor.

image showing how to activate the elevator in the chamber of reason.

Shoot the orb into the device and pull the lever in the back. This will connect the platform to another elevator on the other flank.

But before crossing the bridge, look to the right and pull the other orb in the lower platform. Cal needs this one to activate the final bridge.

Exit the Chamber of Reason

image showing how to get the chamber of reason perk.

Place the orb on the elevator’s device, stand next to it, and pull the nearby lever to get to the third floor. Here, grab the ball again and throw it to the other side on the other coupler to create the final bridge. This will create the last bridge and unlock the Dexterity perk. Finally, push the lever on the wall and exit the Chamber of Reason to beat it for good.

There is a Datadisc on this floor, which can be found by crossing the bridge that connects the elevator to the right platform on the third floor.

How to Open the Secret Door in the Chamber of Reason

image showing how to open the secret door in the chamber of reason star wars jedi survivor.

Once on the third floor, grab the elevator orb and throw it into the glowing yellow window on the left. This will open a secret gate and reward players with the Diligence Lightsaber’s Emitter.

Star Wars Jedi: Survivor is available now for PC, PlayStation 5, and Xbox Series X & S.