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As the introductory Chamber in Jedi: Survivor’s story, the Chamber of Duality is not the most complicated puzzle in the game. But it might confuse some players because of its new mechanics: orbs, pulley ropes, and Force bridges.

In this ancient shrine, Cal must solve the puzzles to both save Zee and find a way out of the Smuggler’s Tunnel that he’s trapped in. And players seeking to help Cal on his mission can use this guide to 100% the Chamber of Duality and find all its collectibles as quickly as possible.

RELATED: All Meditation Chambers in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor

Where to Find the Chamber of Duality

image showing the entrance of the chamber of duality.

The Chamber of Duality is an inevitable encounter in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor’s story. To find it, players will need to progress in the story and reunite with Greez on planet Koboh. That’s when he asks Cal to explore the Smuggler’s Tunnels, where he falls into a pit and discovers the Chamber.

After the initial discovery, Cal has two ways to revisit the Chamber of Duality: He can either follow the path in the Smuggler’s Tunnels or get into the Chamber through the shortcut in front of the Pyloon’s Saloon door.

How to Solve the Chamber of Duality Puzzle

Primarily, Cal must unstick Zee, the droid that’s trapped under the debris. And for that, he will need to reposition the Force orbs and pull all the pulley ropes in the Chamber.

Here’s how players can help Cal solve the Chamber of Duality puzzle:

image showing the first step solving the orb puzzle in the chamber of duality.
  • Start by pulling the first orb on the left and shooting it in the nearby amplifier. This will create a Force bridge for Cal to get to the other side and talk to Zee.
  • Next, pull the same orb and shoot it into the amplifier in front of Zee.
image showing how to open the gate in the chamber of clarity star wars jedi survivor.
  • Cross the bridge and pull the pulley rope to open the gate.
image showing how to find the second orb for the chamber of duality puzzle.
  • Grab the second orb and get back to Zee.
image showing how to open the exit path in the chamber of duality.
  • Shoot both orbs into the amplifiers behind Zee.
image showing how to find the second pulley rope in the chamber of duality.
  • Cross the bridge and wall-run to the other side.
image showing the second pulley rope in the chamber of duality.

How to Get All Collectibles in the Chamber of Duality

There are three collectibles in the Chamber of Duality: A perk, a Datadisc, and a chest. Here’s how to get all of them.

image showing the location of the datadisc in the chamber of duality.

Collectible #1: Datadisc. It’s behind the gate to the left of Zee. Players will need to unlock the bridge, pull the rope, and open the gate to get this collectible.

image showing how to get jedi colors in the chamber of duality.

Collectible #2: Jedi Paint (Weapon Material). The chest containing the materials is on the cliff to the left of the Chamber’s exit. Players will inevitably find it while solving the puzzle.

Collectible #3: Resilience Perk. The perk comes as the reward for solving the Chamber’s puzzle. It’s under the Jedi Shrine behind Zee.

Star Wars Jedi: Survivor is available now for PC, PlayStation 5, and Xbox Series X & S.