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In a city full of zombies, it’s good to see that at least some fun can be had against the near-infinite biting hoards of the undead. Dead Island 2 features a great co-op system, where players can venture into Los Angeles with a friend or two. Yet, with all that fun in Dead Island 2, players might want some useful tips to fully utilize co-op.

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Teamwork can certainly make the dream work, although it’s rather guaranteed that everyone has the same dream in mind in Dead Island 2, perhaps one that doesn’t involve infectious zombies, and a nice house to boot. Unfortunately, these Dead Island 2 tips will only serve to keep the player alive longer in Hell-A.

8 Sticking Together

Dead Island 2's characters compared to the original game.

Players can enjoy Dead Island 2 with up to three other players. The joys that can be shared are near infinite, but players will want to stick together if they are to maximize the fun. It’s rather pointless to experience a co-op game together if players are all going to run off in their direction to fulfill their objectives and loot desires.

Players might not find themselves in maximum danger if they stick together, as they can all join forces to attack the same zombies and stop their allies from needing a revive. By sticking together, teams can focus on teamwork and bonding rather than experiencing a single-player with a few extra steps.

7 No Story Skipping

dead island 2 sons of the forest

For players that are scared that they will be spoiled for their Dead Island 2 campaign if they join a friend who is a few missions ahead, then they should have no fear, as it’s not possible to join a Dead Island 2 game in which the host has progressed further in the story. Dead Island 2’s progression carries over from host to player, meaning they can experience the story and its contents together, even if the joining player is the max level in Dead Island 2.

It’s best to jump into a game of Dead Island 2 with a friend to experience the entirety of the campaign and additional content together so that neither player misses out on the fun that can be had. Players will keep all their progress, but they just cannot join someone who has advanced in the story more than them.

6 Initiate Trades

Dead Island 2 - Amy Using The Agree Emote With Alexa Game Control

Most RPG-like games allow players to trade with one another. Whether that’s with weapons, materials, or fast money. However, Dead Island 2 doesn’t entirely follow this routine, but that does not mean that players can’t trade with one another through other means. The intrigue of a loot pool means that players will want to maximize the potential of their found weapons.

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Although it may not be initiating trades in the logical sense, players can still drop and throw their best weapons in Dead Island 2 on the floor if they want their friend to pick them up. It’s a good way to start a trade if one player wants claws and the other player wants a pistol.

5 Enjoy Quick Play

Dead Island 2

Whilst Dead Island 2 does feature private online games for friends to enjoy, sometimes the fun can be experienced with strangers by jumping into Quick Play. Through Quick Play, players can join up on a random player in Dead Island 2 who is hosting a game that is set to Public. It could be fun to adventure with a stranger and to assist them through the zombie apocalypse.

Some of the best multiplayer games feature online play, where players can meet new people and allies, all through the mutual fun of hacking-and-slashing zombies. Players might even learn a thing or two from the player they are with, or teach a thing or two. Although it's best to be careful of any duplication glitches.

4 Utilize Revives

Dead Island 2

There’s nothing more annoying than dying in a video game. The waiting time to respawn, or the punishment of death itself is tedious, but a necessity when it comes to video games to teach the player that they cannot always win when faced with a challenge. However, in co-op, players can revive each other to essentially erase death.

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Although players can choose to ignore their friend in need, it’s beneficial for everyone to pull off that revive. In reviving a friend, players can ensure that no players will hold a grudge the next time someone falls to the zombie hordes. It will also ensure the safety in numbers in case there are too many zombies to fight alone.

3 Embrace The Absurdity

dead island 2 cover art

Unlike most zombie apocalypse games and media, Dead Island 2 embraces the whimsical and quirky nature of it all. There’s a lot of humor in Dead Island 2, with some of the characters focusing less on the drama of a dead world and more on the humor of a free one. It’s somewhat reminiscent of Borderlands humor, and it’s best to understand and have fun with that, especially with Fury Mode.

There’s no greater feeling than laughter, and laughing with friends at the wackiness of Dead Island 2 will help in the grand scheme of the game. Players can enjoy the dialogue, cutscenes, and even kicking zombies in the face, as it’s best to laugh together at the fun that can be had.

2 Weapon Combos

Dead Island 2 - About To Peek Over The Master Bedroom Balcony

There are plenty of weapons in Dead Island 2. Yet, players cannot use them all. Players only have two arms, so it’s not like they can combine a sledgehammer with a shotgun. However, with a friend or friends, players will be able to pull off some fun combos with more intensity than the first game.

There are some weapons like the sledgehammer that have the power to juggle enemies, throwing them up into the air. While one player focuses on the heavy and slow weapons, another player can use quicker weapons like claws to get in those concentrated and quick strikes.

1 Avoid Griefing

Dead Island 2 Curtis garage fire and garage door button location

Spoiling people's fun isn’t exactly how video games were meant to be played. There are a few ways that players can grief in Dead Island 2. Unless it’s mutual fun between friends, it’s probably best to avoid setting other players on fire, attempting to steal their thrown weapons, or doing rude gestures with the crouch button while they need reviving.

Players won’t make too many friends in the zombie apocalypse if they are griefing. With the ability to play Dead Island 2 co-op with friends or strangers, the quickest way to make new friends would be to lend a hand and a blade, rather than teasing and toying with teammates.

Dead Island 2 is now available for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

MORE: Dead Island 2: All Ranged Weapon Profiles Explained