Game Rant

Harry Schofield-List Writer

Harry Schofield

List Writer

About Harry Schofield

Harry is a 20-year-old non-binary writer currently working as a List Writer at They have around a year of experience writing commissioned freelance pieces for gaming publications such as Overlode, Into The Spine, Sidequest and startmenu. They are also nearing the end of their studies towards a Creative and Professional Writing (Bachelor of Arts) degree at the University of Derby. They're very excited to begin their tenure in the games journalism industry at Game Rant, and look forward to writing interesting articles that engage and inform.
Their primary passions are trans rights, fighting games (Street Fighter and Guilty Gear, primarily) and the Like A Dragon series - if you talk to them about Ichiban Kasuga, be ready to lose an hour of your life.
You'll most often find them talking about gender issues, queer representation in games, and how the fact they lost that match totally wasn't their fault, man.

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Street Fighter 6 is already delivering great characters both old and new, but future DLC could bring back even more fan favorites.

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Mortal Kombat 1: 8 Legacy Characters Who Could Return

Mortal Kombat 1 presents a prime opportunity for the franchise to revive some legacy characters. Here's who could potentially make a return.

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It's time to become a truly top-tier Overwatch 2 player by utilizing these secret techs.

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Street Fighter 6: 5 Best Characters For Beginners

Beginners of Street Fighter 6 should turn their eyes to these characters.