It seems like just yesterday that news programs were decrying games for overly intimate scenes. Nevertheless, numerous titles, particularly role-playing games, continue to incorporate romance into their character-building. It's simply expected whenever a new one comes out.

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However, in this modern age of acceptance where people feel more comfortable about their preferences, the "standard" romance choices may not be enough to accommodate audiences. After all, gaming fandoms are made up of various individuals, each with their own unique preferences. It only makes sense to offer that same kind of inclusivity in a role-playing game. By further personalizing the experience, these players will be more immersed in the adventure. Thankfully, several titles allow gamers to do just that.

Updated May 24, 2023 by Ritwik Mitra: The medium of video gaming has been lagging behind for quite some time regarding inclusivity, and it's easy to see why so many people are actively seeking out more games that include people of all races, sexualities, and genders.

Thankfully, many modern video games heed this call by adding many LGBTQ+ romance options that are fleshed-out, get players invested, and feature quality writing that doesn't feel stereotypical in the slightest.

25 Catherine: Full Body

Rin in Catherine

Catherine is a unique puzzle-based game where the main character, Vincent, must try and save his relationship with Katherine after meeting a blonde bombshell named Catherine during a drunken encounter. The original version of the game only had two straight romance options, which served the purpose of the story but did little when it came to inclusivity.

This changed with the advent ofCatherine: Full Body, which added a pansexual romantic option called Rin. He is mistaken for a girl early on, and his true origins are quite fascinating if the player decides to romance him in the game.

24 Growing Up

Underrated Visual Novels - Growing Up - Player upgrades skills

A simple life simulation that governs the journey of a teenager, Growing Up is a simple and relaxing game perfect for fans who may be tired of more hardcore and engaging experiences. The stories are lighthearted, the characters are fun to interact with, and many romances cater to multiple sexualities in the game.

The writing in Growing Up is excellent, and it helps that each playthrough feels different and unique. Fans of simulation games shouldn't miss out on this charming gem of a title!

23 Haven

Yu and Kay from Haven

After their amazing work on Furi, many people were surprised to see that the next game released by The Game Bakers was a lighthearted RPG with a focus on romance. Haven was initially released with only a straight romance pairing that was changed following an update.

Now, players can go through the game as a same-sex couple if they wish. It's a simple yet powerful inclusion that shows how aware The Game Bakers is about welcoming as many new prospective players to their games.

22 I Was A Teenage Exocolonist

Tang finds a creature in I Was A Teenage Exocolonist

A unique mix of simulation gameplay, role-playing mechanics, and deck-building is what many people noticed when checking out I Was a Teenage Exocolonist. The story-driven nature of this title is the backbone that drives this wonderful and charming game forward.

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The sci-fi elements are weaved in pretty well, and it helps that the game features some great characters who can be romanced. The maturity of this game is reflected in the fact that I Was a Teenage Exocolonist features varied romance options that will help players feel more at home when they decide to engage with this aspect of the game.

21 Jade Empire

Jade Empire Cutscene

Given Jade Empire's status as a BioWare title, it's only expected that this Chinese mythology-inspired game has a few romance options for the player to choose from. Dawn Star is only attracted to males, but the same can't be said for Sky or Silk Fox.

These characters can be romanced by both genders, which was a huge step at the time. It's a shame that the camera pans away when players lock lips with a member of the same sex, but many people still find this title to be quite progressive for its time...even if the romances weren't particularly fleshed out.

20 The Last Of Us

Ellie Last of Us

The Last of Us is a game that everyone is familiar with at this point. The title features some of the best gameplay around, with its story being held in high regard as well.

The series also let players experiment around with LGBTQ+ relationships, with the DLC Left Behind revealing Ellie's sexuality as well. This is further expanded on in the second game and plays a major role in the story as well.

19 Night In The Woods


Night in the Woods is one of the better adventure games around that has a solid focus on the narrative. While there aren't any romantic options per se, the game does a great job of representing LGBTQ+ relations.

For starters, the main character Mae is a pansexual. Her friends include a trans woman and a gay couple who are some engaging characters as well!

18 Fallout: New Vegas

Image from Fallout: New Vegas showing the Courier in front of the titular Strip.

Fallout: New Vegas is considered by many to be one of the greatest video games ever made. The writing is in a class of its own, with the various companions the player can interact with being pretty riveting in their own right.

Arcade Gannon, Rose of Sharon Cassidy, and Veronica Santangelo all don't conform to traditional norms of sexuality. Players who roleplay as a female with high Charisma can even flirt with NCR Corporal Betty, although there aren't any proper romances for the player to mess around with.

17 Saints Row

Saints Row The THird Remastered

From the second game onwards, Saints Row has accepted its bizarre nature and given players a wealth of options across all aspects of gameplay. This includes romances as well, with absolutely no boundaries stopping the player from getting what they want.

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It helps that the Saints Row character creator allows players to choose from a myriad of gender identities and orientations. The player can dress and act exactly how they want regardless of their biological sex.

16 Undertale

Undertale characters

Undertale is a game full of quirky characters that don't conform to the usual boundaries of sexuality. It's a great game where characters have additional depth due to their well-written motivations and personalities.

Undertale's charming writing and great gameplay are one of the many reasons why it's considered to be a masterpiece by many. Fans of this indie title will have an absolute gem of a time with Undertale.

15 Dream Daddy: A Dad Dating Simulator

Dream Daddy splash art

A dad dating simulator where players take on the role of a father themselves is the perfect pick for this list. The unique premise of Dream Daddy: A Dad Dating Simulator is what drew so many eyes to it.

Of course, it helped that the game itself was a blast to play through, with quirky characters and great writing. Fans of romance-heavy visual novels would have a great time going through this absolute gem of a title.

14 Life Is Strange

Max talking to chloe in principal Wells' office during Episode 3 of Life is Strange

Life is Strange has transformed into one of the most popular adventure games around, in no small part due to the massive impact of the first game. The time-bending story present in this title was easily its biggest highlight, with Max playing a central role in this narrative.

Of course, it helped that Life is Strange also featured some rather compelling characters in their own right. One such character who deserves all these plaudits is Chloe, who is a brilliant character that Max can initiate a romantic relationship with.

13 Dragon Quest 11 S: Echoes Of An Elusive Age


While Dragon Quest 11 only has one canon romance in the form of Gemma, that's not the route that players necessarily need to take in the game's enhanced release. The sheer number of options present in Dragon Quest 11 S is pretty impressive.

In fact, the player can choose from any member of the main party to spend the rest of their life with...with the obvious exclusion being his grandpa. It's a neat inclusion...although Dragon Quest 11 S does pull back on the male romances a bit by implying a 'bromance' of sorts, as opposed to a proper romantic relationship, which is pretty disappointing.

12 Hades

feature image hades romance thanatos guide zagreus and thanatos in front of the house of hades

Hades is one of the most popular hack-and-slash indie titles to come out in quite some time. Given Supergiant Games' immense pedigree as a video game studio, it's great to see them getting the mainstream credit they deserve.

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In Hades, Zagreus can become entwined romantically with three characters in the game. One of them is Thanatos, who is Death Incarnate himself and one of the most interesting romance options in the game.

11 Monster Prom

Monster Prom

Monster Prom is another romantic visual novel that is absolutely brimming with personality. The fact that the story of this game is slightly random makes repeated playthroughs quite exciting in their own right.

Players who want to try out a progressing dating sim that is full of great characters and funny dialogue should look no further than Monster Prom. It's easily one of the most overlooked games on this list.

10 The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim

The Dragonborn marries in Skyrim

Gamers the world over have spent hundreds of hours in Skyrim. To many, it's like a second life of sorts, so why not seal the deal with marriage? It's a fairly simple process. Wearing the Amulet of Mara enables players can have romantic dialogues with numerous NPCs, regardless of gender or race.

The NPCs in question can be from any of Tamriel's numerous races: Nords, Imperials, High Elves, Dark Elves, Orcs, Argonians, and more. Physical differences don't come into play during the courtship. Granted, the whole affair is a little impersonal, but it's also open to dozens of couple variations.

9 Fire Emblem: Three Houses

Byleth and other characters in Fire Emblem: Three Houses

Social standing informs many a decision in this tactical title. Because of this, the player character Byleth has countless romance options at his/her disposal. The game offers more freedom in this area than any other in recent memory.

Unlike most of its peers, though, Fire Emblem's romances don't simply depend on gender. Rather, they also hinge on houses. For example, certain characters won't take a female player from the Black Eagles. Thankfully, whatever players pick, they won't be strapped for choices in any path.

8 Dragon Age

Dorian and the Inquisitor in Dragon Age: Inquisition

Although BioWare's medieval fantasy series is mostly merciless in its lore and laws, the denizens of Dragon Age don't seem to care who sleeps with whom. A few strategic dialogue choices and a handful of gifts will win over practically any party member, regardless of gender or race.

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Some characters, like Dorian, will offhandedly flirt with the Inquisitor during conversations. In the end, though, most companions are open to either serious or casual relationships if the player selects the appropriate dialogue choice.

7 The Outer Worlds

Parvati and Junlei in The Outer Worlds

Despite appearances, The Outer Worlds isn't the type of RPG that allows romance options for the player. That's not to say that romance has no place in this space adventure. Some side quests see gamers engage in some matchmaking, as a few quests involve delivering messages between two people with crushes.

The most memorable aside involves crewmember Parvati, who pursues a romance with Groundbreaker leader Junlei. Players are heavily involved in this from the beginning, as the quest involves decorative materials, beauty products, and even suggestions for what Parvati should say. Finally, there's ADA, the ship's AI that expresses concern whenever players leave the ship. When asked about this, she'll approximate this behavior as an expression of love.

6 Mass Effect

Liara and Shepard in Mass Effect

Throughout the Mass Effect series, Commander Shepard recruits several misfits from across the galaxy to his/her crew. Players can romance most of these characters, male or female, human or alien. Getting to know them through conversations and Loyalty Missions shows that their leader cares for them as people.

Some of them will even get close to each other throughout their journey. These pairings can be as simple as Garrus and Tali or as unexpected as EDI and Joker. The heart (or AI core) wants what the heart wants.