Mandrakes are some of the most memorable magical plants in Hogwarts Legacy and the Harry Potter franchise collectively. Known for their potentially fatal shrieks, in Hogwarts Legacy players get to pot mandrakes in Herbology class with Professor Garlick and use them in combat to stun enemies. That said, mandrakes have other magical properties which Hogwarts Legacy doesn't capitalize on, and missing out on a potentially golden opportunity for one simple feature to snowball into an avalanche of content possibilities.

Hogwarts Legacy is a massive RPG game with a vast open-world map, so there are bound to be many missing Harry Potter spells, creatures, locations, and beyond with so much lore to draw upon. Many fans might be hoping that some of the more popular things missed might get packed into a potential sequel if it happens, such as spells like Expecto Patronum. Although perhaps less likely to happen now, Hogwarts Legacy could have opened its doors to an avalanche of exciting opportunities if it expanded its use of mandrakes.

RELATED: Hogwarts Legacy DLC Needs More Combat Tools That Follow In Mandrakes' Footsteps

How Hogwarts Legacy’s Mandrakes Were A Missed Opportunity For A Thrilling Animagus Ability

Hogwarts Legacy Gryffindor companion Natsai Onai

In addition to their powerful scream, mandrakes have leaves that help witches or wizards become an Animagus in Harry Potter lore. It's an extensive and rigorous process that almost pokes fun at itself for how challenging it is. In Hogwarts Legacy, players can even witness a scene in the Hospital Wing involving a student who accidentally turned into a sheep for incorrectly trying it. That said, companion Natsai Onai is one Animagi success story, who can change into a gazelle at will, and the player encounters some NPC enemies with wolf-like Animagi abilities.

Although Natsai explains that self-transfiguration is not taught at Hogwarts because it's considered too dangerous, she adds it is common at Uagadou. If players could harvest the leaves from Hogwarts Legacy's mandrakes, they could have the perfect opportunity to learn to become an Animagi from Natty, just like they can learn Unforgivable Curses from Sebastian.

Natsai could also know another way around the process used at Uagadou to help it better translate to a game experience. Either way, it could have enabled players to turn into magical creatures as a different way of exploring the world map, outsmarting enemies, or even somehow linked to their House choice to increase replayability.

How Hogwarts Legacy's Mandrakes Could Have Snowballed More Features Like New Potions

hogwarts legacy focus potion brewing

The restrictions placed upon Hogwarts Legacy's mandrakes also extend to its potion capabilities, and there is a lot of DLC potential in Hogwarts Legacy's potions. If players could harvest mandrake leaves instead of only the entire mandrake plant, they could use the leaves to brew other potions, such as the mandrake restorative draught to combat curses.

Although this is more commonly known as a cure for petrification in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, it could be an alternative healing spell to the Wiggenweld Potion or handy if the game introduced other types of enemies with petrification abilities in a potential sequel, like Basilisks. A mandrake restorative draught is not strictly necessary for Hogwarts Legacy's story, but it could be another way of expanding its magical tools and tricks.

It's unknown why mandrake's abilities were somewhat restricted to a Hogwarts Legacy fight-cheesing overpowered plant but they have their uses. However, it seems a shame that mandrakes' full properties were not explorable further with the presence of NPC Animagi in the game and a relatively limited stack of potions. This could be explored further in a potential sequel through Natsai's questline, especially if players can continue their friendships with existing companions alongside forming new ones.

Hogwarts Legacy is available now on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S, with a Switch version releasing November 14.

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