At the heart of Star Trek is the will of Starfleet officers to defy the odds when they’re stacked against them, and nothing symbolizes this fighting spirit quite like the USS Defiant. Ships are pivotal to the lofty goals of the Federation. The first crew couldn’t have set out to boldly explore the galaxy without one. Starfleet would never have made First Contact if they lacked the means to even leave Earth in the first place. From scientific missions to duking it out in space for the very soul of galactic democracy, there is no feat that cannot be accomplished with a good engine and an even better warp factor.

But the USS Defiant holds a special place in the heart of many. William T. Riker (Jonathan Frakes) once called it a “tough little ship,” which is both accurate and the understatement of the century. The USS Defiant was indeed tough despite its small size, or maybe even because of it. However, it was also pivotal in various battles fought by the Deep Space 9 crew. It may have been built to withstand all manner of attack, but it was also built to last, and it’s done so long enough to create quite the legacy.

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The USS Defiant Versus the Borg

I, Borg The Next Generation

These days, the USS Defiant is known among Star Trek fans as having been vital during the Dominion War of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine. Season 7, episode 8, “The Siege of AR-558,” was only one example of the small ship being taken out on relief missions by officers like Captain Benjamin Sisko (Avery Brooks), Dr. Julian Bashir (Alexander Siddig), Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax (Terry Farrell), and Ensign Nog (Aron Eisenberg).

Despite its successful career, though, the USS Defiant had a rather rocky beginning. It was designed to defend itself in battle after the Borg attacked Federation space. Instead, features provided to make it dangerous to enemies of the Federation only made it a threat to those unfortunate enough to be inside of it when the engines were first tested. This must have been before Chief Miles O’Brien (Colm Meaney) got his capable hands on them.

Features of the USS Defiant

Star Trek Group of Romulans

The USS Defiant is designed with a circular body and an elongated front. The battleship is introduced in the season 3 premiere of Deep Space Nine as needing of a lot of internal work. It initially only possesses the basic features, such as deflector shields, photon torpedoes, and a warp drive.

What makes the USS Defiant such a uniquely combat-capable ship, though, is that it's later updated with Ablative armor coating and a cloaking device. The armor coating acts like a shield, but is more able to withstand direct attacks. The cloaking device is a little more controversial, as it was loaned to Starfleet by the Romulan government and its use was limited to the Gamma Quadrant. To be the best, the USS Defiant needed some pretty wicked features, and it got them exactly when the crew needed them most.

The USS Defiant Versus the Maquis

Deep Space Nine wasn’t afraid of hijinks, but it was even less afraid of dealing with complex issues and involving the USS Defiant in the process. The Maquis were determined to remain in their established settlements located in Cardassian-controlled systems.

That’s where the USS Defiant comes in. Season 5, episode 13, “For the Uniform,” marks one of the first times in Star Trek history that a captain is willing to sacrifice living beings to defeat an enemy. Captain Sisko threatens to launch biochemical weapons at a Maquis settlement from the helm of the USS Defiant. Ex-Security Officer / Maquis leader Michael Eddington (Ken Marshall) calls his bluff. But the captain isn’t lying, and he proceeds to follow through. The plan works exactly as Captain Sisko planned, and the leader turns himself in. But one has to wonder if the results of saving Cardassian lives was worth the method.

The USS Defiant Saves the Day

star trek picard geordi la forge starfleet fleet museum

Questionable use aside, the USS Defiant really showed what it could do in the heat of the moment. In season 6 of Deep Space Nine, the chips are down and the Dominion War is continuing to rack up an already-high body count in one of the bloodiest battles in Star Trek. In season 6, episode 6, “Sacrifice of Angels,” Captain Sisko takes the USS Defiant into the Celestial Temple in a desperate attempt to convince the Prophets to provide protection from a Dominion attack. He pleads:

“You want to be Gods? Then be Gods! I need a miracle – Bajor needs a miracle. Stop those ships!”

The Prophets eventually agree but vaguely allude (as they do) to a price he’ll have to pay later on. Before Sisko can find out what that is, he’s transported back to the USS Defiant and then later greeted by grateful Bajorans back on Deep Space 9. This miracle turns the tide of the war in favor of the Federation and its allies, though a full surrender from Dominion forces is a long way coming.

The USS Defiant has played an iconic role in Star Trek history. Its first appearance officially marked the Federation’s willingness to prioritize the needs of a battle over its scientific goals. It has saved lives, and taken them. It has been beaten and defeated almost as much as it’s emerged victorious from bloody battles. The USS Defiant was introduced in Star Trek: First Contact, but earned its pips for its service throughout Deep Space Nine. Star Trek: Prodigy brings the USS Defiant back into action, while Picard sees it finally docked at the Starfleet Fleet Museum run by Commodore Geordi La Forge (LeVar Burton).

The Defiant will probably continue to make appearances for as long as it may be needed, whether it's active among the stars or laid to rest for new generations to learn of its importance in the survival of the Federation. After all these years, it seems like Star Trek just can’t let the USS Defiant go.

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