Hogwarts Legacy has been a magical treat for fans of the Wizarding World, and some fans may never want to leave its game world. Avalanche Software was able to recreate Harry Potter's many fantastic locales and filled them with countless secrets for players to find. It feels like it was ripped straight from the pages of the series, and fans are craving more. While there may be no plans for Hogwarts Legacy DLC, Avalanche Software has given them plenty of reasons to keep playing.

Hogwarts Legacy is a single-player action-adventure game, and single-player games often have a limited lifespan. Players will play the entire story, do everything they want to do, and then move on to something else. Hogwarts Legacy is no different, but Avalanche Software gave players a reason to stick around past the credits. The world is packed with secrets waiting to be discovered, and each of the four Hogwarts houses feature brand-new challenges that diehard fans will want to check out.

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Hogwarts Legacy's Houses Offer Tons of Replayability


Avalanche Software made a very deliberate choice when it gave players four save slots in Hogwarts Legacy. Hogwarts has four distinct houses, and each house has its own content to explore. While some players may choose to make multiple characters in the same house, these save slots give them the ability to experience every single one. There may not be huge differences between the houses, but each Hogwarts Legacy house does feature exclusive content that players may want to check out.

The world of Hogwarts Legacy is massive, and one playthrough will not let players see it all. For example, players are only able to access their house's common room. This means that iconic sections of Hogwarts are inaccessible depending on the house players choose. If they choose Hufflepuff but want to see the Gryffindor common room, then they must also create a Gryffindor to get that experience. While this is purely an aesthetic element, it may be all purist fans need to create four different characters.

Each house in Hogwarts Legacy also features an exclusive quest chain that adds some new lore tidbits to the world. Gryffindor players get to help Nearly Headless Nick, Hufflepuff players get to take a trip to Azkaban, Ravenclaw players work alongside Ollivander to track down a wand, and Slytherin players go on a scavenger hunt around Hogwarts. None of these quests are particularly big, but they do help flesh out specific parts of the main story and may be worth at least one playthrough.

The exclusive quests and locations help make the player's house choice feel important, and the exclusives do not stop there. Each house also features a unique unlockable cloak for players to find. These extravagant Hogwarts Legacy cloaks are earned by tracking down the Daedalian Keys around Hogwarts. This activity can feel monotonous if fans don't appreciate collectible hunting, but each cloak is definitely worth it. They all serve a similar function, but are all uniquely styled after the player's house.

While Hogwarts Legacy's story does not change depending on the house chosen, these various additions give players a reason to create more characters. It feels like the game was built with multiple playthroughs in mind, but it also seems to barely scratch the surface of that potential. These house-exclusive quests are interesting, but an eventual sequel should take the concept to an entirely different level. Avalanche Software has shown that it knows how to give players a reason to keep playing, and now it just needs to do that on a larger scale.

Hogwarts Legacy is currently available on PC, PlayStation 4 and 5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X. It will be released on the Nintendo Switch on November 14, 2023.

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