Roots of Pacha allows the players to discover different seeds they can plant, as well as grow plants. The time for each seed to grow and regrow varies from crop to crop. These seeds are spread across various locations throughout the Roots of Pacha universe.

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While according to some players, the best choice of crop to grow is based on their growth time, others think picking seeds based on their overall contribution is better. Regardless of what strategy players employ, farming in Roots of Pacha is fun, and players can upgrade their farming methods and equipment as they continue to progress in the game.

10 Chile


Chile is a type of vegetable that players can grow only in the summer,and it is required in the cooking recipes for Humita, Kuluban, and Ensalada Criolla. It has an initial growth time of 14 days, after which players can harvest them every three days.

To get Chile seeds players would have to visit the southwest of the savanna. Chile offers players a combined 195 stamina and contribution when they consume it and when they donate it to their clan if they plant this seed first.

9 Tomato


Tomatoes are relatively easy to find as they are one of the first crops players encounter in the game. It is located in the southern part of the village. Tomatoes can grow in spring and also in the summer. It initially takes 10 days to grow, its regrowth time is shorter as players can harvest it after 4 days.

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Tomatoes have several uses in Roots of Pacha, as it can be processed into a sun-dried tomato, tomato juice, tomato wine, tomato vinegar, and other processed items. It can also be used in creating the press idea. Tomato has a total contribution of 198.

8 Millet


Millets belong to the grain family of crops that players can only grow during summer, their seeds can be found in the jungle during this period. It has a regrowth period of 6 days. Millet can be processed into millet flour.

For beer-loving players of Roots of Pacha, they can process this crop into fermented millet that can be used in beer production. It offers players a maximum of 208 stamina and contribution when players consume this crop or donate it to their clans.

7 Cassava


Cassava belongs to the root family of crops in Roots of Pacha, and it is a plant that players can only grow during the fall season. Their seeds can be found in the jungle, however, it is only available to players after they have raised the pyramid twice.

Cassava has a nice taste but can be poisonous. Its domesticated form is noticeably more fresh than the wild cassava which has a dried-up appearance. It cost players 20 prosperity to grow cassava, and this crops offer players 1.17 contribution per day.

6 Buckwheat


Buckwheat stores a lot of energy in its grain seeds, and players can find their seeds in the savanna. Buckwheat only grows in fall. Players can harvest their buckwheat crops 7 days after they plant the seed. The domesticated Buckwheat crop has visibly larger grains than wild buckwheat.

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This crop can be processed into buckwheat flour, fermented buckwheat, and fermented buckwheat beer. Players can gain a combined max of 208 contribution and stamina when they donate this crop to their clan or consume it.

5 Sesame


Sesame is a rich and oily crop belonging to the seed family that players can only grow in the spring and its seeds are commonly found in the northwest of the savannah by the waterfall. It takes 8 days to grow after cultivation, and its regrowth only takes four days.

Sesame seeds can be processed into sesame oil, which is an important ingredient in making medicine for animals. It is also one of the primary ingredients in the cooking recipe for Baba Ganoush. Players can use both wild and domesticated varieties of this crop.

4 Butternut Squash

butternut squash

Butternut Squashes are vegetable crops with dull exterior appearances, their insides have great taste when mashed and they have a bright orange color. This crop can grow in summer and fall, and their seeds can be found in the forest in the eastern part of the village.

Butternut squashes have a growth time of 13 days, and they can be processed into dried butternut squash and fermented butternut squash. If they are planted first, players can earn a max of 296 stamina and contribution.

3 Sweet Potato

sweet potato

Sweet potatoes are tubers that can grow during the summer and in the fall, and players can find this crop in the forest. The domesticated variant of the sweet potato is bigger and has a brighter orange color while the wild variant looks some shades darker and is smaller.

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Sweet potatoes take 7 days before players can harvest them, and they taste better when baked. Players can earn a combined max of 440 stamina and contribution if they cultivate this crop first, and it produces its best yield.

2 Sea Kale

sea kale

Sea Kale can be grown during spring and summer, and players can find them during these periods at the beach. It takes 6 days for Sea Kale to be ready for harvest. The domesticated and wild variants of this vegetable can be used in various ways.

Players can process this vegetable into several products, such as sea kale juice, sea kale wine, and sea kale vinegar. It can also be used as one of the primary ingredients in cooking several foods such as dumplings, lentil pie, souffle, and meat stew.

1 Sunflower


Sunflowers are seed crops that take 5 days to grow and can be found near the trees by the rivers in the savanna area. It can grow in the summer and in the fall. Its domesticated variant has a bright yellow color and the wild variant has an orange color.

Sunflower can be pressed into sunflower oil, which makes cooking more powerful, increasing players' stamina. It can also produce sunflower honey, which is a result of sunflowers growing around a beehive. This honey earns players 48 contribution when donated to the clan.

Roots of Pacha is available for Nintendo Switch, PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X.

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