Pokemon GO players have been collecting Purified Gems to help them defeat bosses during the Shadow Raid Battle event, but these can also be used during other raids. Some players have been experiencing some difficulty when using the gems with other trainers during battle, which has caused players to become frustrated since their earned gems have been wasted.

Purified Gems are obtainable by collecting Shadow Shards - players find these while doing different battles around the game - which can then be turned into Purified Gems. Players will need to collect up to 10 Shadow Shards to convert into a Purified Gem, then only use up to 5 during a Raid Battle, but other trainers can stack them up to keep the boss Pokemon from getting enraged. These are important for Raid Battles; here is how to fix the Purified Gems not working in Pokemon Go.

RELATED: Pokemon GO: Rising Shadows Event Guide.

How To Fix Purified Gems Not Working


If a Purified Gem is used during a Pokemon Raid Battle, it will stop a boss from being enraged, making it easier to defeat. However, some trainers have been using issues with their Purified Gems working during battles. This is definitely a problem when encountering enraged Pokemon bosses, as they will quickly wipe out players' Pokemon health bars.

There is a reason players have been experiencing some problems while using Purified Gems, and it is quite a simple thing to fix. Purified Gems will take a few seconds to take effect against the boss. While the Pokemon is in this state, if a trainer makes any attack, it will cancel out the Purified Gem. This means the Pokemon will continue their enrage, and the gem will have been wasted.

While in a boss battle with other trainers in Pokemon Go, be sure to allow the chance for the Purified Gem to take effect. Players can watch this by paying attention to the health bar above Pokemon. Trainers can also stack up their Purified Gems as well to benefit everyone even more. Only so many gems can be used in a single battle, but with the help of other trainers, it will work really well.

The reason Purified Gems aren't working for some players is simpler than players probably thought. Trainers that want to get the best out of their gems need to save their next attack for a little longer to ensure it works. Keep an eye on the health bar, and players will be good to go for their next Purified Gem.

Pokemon GO is available now for mobile devices as a free download.

MORE: Pokemon GO: How To Get and Use Shadow Shards and Purified Gems